Writing Content Doesn’t Have to Suck: Tips for Writing Great Website Content
Writing content for your website doesn’t have to be a tedious, soul-draining task… Whether you are creating website content for the first time or you are revamping the words that are on your current website, we have come up with a strategy and 5 help tips that has helped both us AND our clients create content that engages with our audience and without feeling overwhelmed.
Before we get into it…
We believe that YOU are the best person to write the content for your website…
You know your brand best and are an expert in your business, so it’s usually best if it comes from you. This can seem like a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be!
📑 List your main priority pages
⏳ Set a timer for 90mins and just bust out the writing for your main priority pages
💻 Get the first draft out and then edit and refine it as you continue to customize your site
Now let’s dive into the specifics for writing your different sections on your website…
Watch this ⤵
1. Create titles or headings that highlight a problem or solution
This is where you want to grab attention as soon as possible. Think about what you want people to know as soon as they land on the page. Remember people always think… what’s in it for me so write from that place.
As you write your titles:
👉 think before the title… “Now you can…” [insert the title as if you would finish this sentence]
✅ … get more leads
✅ … dance whenever you want, wherever you want
✅ … convert your visitors
✅ … feel more confident
👉 avoid titles that are either too long or not enticing
❌ …Business Coaching
❌ …Personal Training
❌ …Dance Teaching
2. Write short simple sentences - CUT down on your writing… like a lot
Web readers have short attention spans—they’ll decide whether your site has the information they need in seconds. People do NOT read long paragraphs on websites anymore.
Visitors scan content… so knowing that people scan website content, write from that place. What is the most important thing that you need people to hear about.
👉 Cut out fluffy words
👉 Focus on using nouns and verbs
👉 Use adverbs and adjectives sparingly
❌ Don’t use words like “equanimity” or “obfuscate” when words like “calm” or “confuse” will do
3. Cut the fluff from your written testimonials
I completely get it… someone has written a lengthy love note about how incredible it is to work with you, detailing what you brought to the process and why everyone needs to work with you. Naturally, you want to showcase this entire testimonial because why not? This is what people want to see, right? It highlights that you are the best person to work with!
Unfortunately, people are unlikely to read the whole thing. Even I, as the designer, rarely read the full testimonials that my clients send for their websites. My process involves scanning these long testimonials for the key points and sentences that are the most compelling and eye-catching for their target audience, to then be highlighted on their website.
👉 When featuring testimonials on your new website, try to cut out sentences or words that don’t necessarily need to be there
👉 We want people to quickly scan the testimonial and understand exactly how the person felt working with you or using your product
If you want to feature the whole testimonial on the website, you can always add a "read more" link that directs to a blog post with the full testimonial. This way, those who truly want to read the full testimonial can do so, and you have a place that stores all your long love notes on your website 😍.
4. Focus on and write for your dream client / student / customer
Write for that person, customer, student that you have always wanted to work with or you trying to attract more of! Think about what do they need help with? What questions are they asking? What pain points/problems do they have? What inspires them? And create your content as if you were directly speaking to them.
5. Make sure you have clear call to actions
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