Define your target audience with these questions

Use the following prompts to build out a detailed representation of the ideal customer, client or website visitor.

Open up a word document, your notepad or Google doc and start to ask yourself… who is your current target? Who is my ideal target market? 

Who is your target market?

Demographics: Name, Age, Gender, Location

Business Info: Job Title, Industry, Company Size, Income

Personal Info: Values, Frustrations, Personality, Favourite Brands, Favourite Social Media Channels, Motto

What are their decision making factors?

  • What are their Frustrations & Challenges ie: lacking self love / looking for community

  • What's the best solution for the problems they face?

  • What makes them want to purchase right away?

  • What competing services are they looking at?

  • Which features of your services convince them to choose you

  • Which features of your competitors attract them?

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