Health and Wellness Tips for Freelancers, New Entrepreneurs and Self Employed

10 Holistic Wellness Tips for Business Success

Health and Wellness Tips for Freelancers, New Entrepreneurs and Self Employed

Prepared by Holistic Nutritionist C.N.P. Malwina Lasocka-Biczysko

As freelancers and entrepreneurs we are notorious for qualities of ambition, strength and determination. Our hardworking ethic is what pushes us to success, but can also push us to depletion, health issues and burnout. Support yourself to thrive, not just survive in your path, by following these steps below so that you can truly reap the benefits of your hard work in a sustainable way towards success!

1. Support your Adrenals!

Adrenals are what govern stress response and modulation and it’s oh-so-common for adrenal burnout to occur, resulting in fatigue, exhaustion, memory and cognitive issues and mood/emotional imbalances. This puts our body into constant stress response, a.k.a. FIGHT & FLIGHT vs. Rest and Digest. Think survival mode: our body doesn't know the difference between being constantly ON for meetings and client sessions vs. legit being chased by a lion… it just recognizes stress and puts itself into survival mode - which we can only function in for so long before we crash.

To keep adrenals in good health focus on:

  • managing stress: deep breathing, meditation, taking breaks, calming or stress-releasing exercises 

  • balancing caffeine intake: We know it's easy to get into a cycle of caffeine for functionality and getting the day off to a productive start, but what it really is, is dependency, which is a big proponent of adrenal fatigue. Limit caffeine, fuel your body and support energy levels with proper nutrient intake instead

  • incorporate adaptogenic supplementation or herbs to balance stress such as ashwaganda or rhodiola

2. Eat Right

This is a known given, but something we truly take for granted until it catches up with us. Fuelling the body with nutrient dense foods to naturally boost energy and keep our blood sugar levels balanced is essential. Always start the day with a proper breakfast, avoid relying on simple carbs a.k.a. sugars (white bread, cereals, baked goods) and instead think proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats for long lived fuel to help keep you energized and focused throughout the day.

3. Sleep

Sleep is another one that often falls by the wayside, but is vital for recuperation, productivity and functionality. Sleep is when our physical and mental body gets a chance to rest and rejuvenate, preparing us for a fulfilling day ahead. It is possible, but also optimal, to go through various cycles throughout the night, ideally reaching our REM state several times. This is our dream state, which enhances brain function as well as creativity, and allows us to complete our sleep cycle, which we should repeat several times throughout the night to result in a rested sleep. There are several factors that can affect a restful sleep.

Consider the following:

  • Screen Time: our excessive use of screen time in this day and age has brought us so far from a natural way of living and has had detrimental effects on our melatonine/seratonine cycle, which are governed by our internal clock, as well as the cycle of the sun rise and sun set.

    • Limit screen time in the evening to mimic what natural exposure to light would be and shut off screens ideally 2 hours before bed, giving yourself a chance to unwind, bringing yourself out of a state of mental and visual stimulation. Consider using blue light filter glasses throughout the day during screen time to protect your eyes from screen stimulation as well.

  • Caffeine/stimulants: avoid caffeine (coffee, green & black tea) 8 hours prior to sleep, and limit sugars and simple carbs during your evening meals and snack. If you have a lot of difficulties sleeping, try eliminating caffeine completely for some time.

  • Bedtime Routine: create an evening routine that is conducive to sleeping. Avoid turning on Netflix and reach for a book instead, drink a herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender are beautiful relaxant, while Passion Flower and Valerian Root have more sedative effects if you need something stronger), take a bath, avoid work, or meditate!

*To read a little bit about the 4 sleep stages check out this short article

4. Morning and Evening Routine

Creating a Morning and Evening Routine is essential in setting the stage for functional and organized days, and these sorts of habits are known to increase productivity and success. The key is to start simple, with half an hour to an hour (you can build up and increase to suit your personal needs) at the start and end of each day. These should be quiet, peaceful moments with yourself, avoiding external distractions.

Consider some of the following ideas:

Evening Routine:

  • Plan out and schedule the upcoming day to get it out of your mind

  • Disconnect from screen time

  • Read a book

  • Meditate or relaxing exercise

  • Put your phone on airplane mode or turn it off if you can to avoid nighttime unnecessary exposure to EMF, which can cause sleep disturbances

Morning Routine:

  • Avoid looking at your phone first thing in the morning, keep your phone off/on airplane mode

  • Journal while still in bed, revisit your dreams ad jot down the first things that come to mind in that post dream state

  • Spend time in quiet and solitude with yourself. Your days are busy interacting with others, keep this as a sacred time for yourself

  • Review your planned day, make adjustments 

  • Exercise to energize and stimulate your brain and body

  • Eat a healthy breakfast

5. Schedule Time Blocks and Book Your Time Off!

Whether it's a classic hand-written calendar, or an app on your phone, find what works for you and use it. Organizing your schedule is imperative in working efficiently to not overwork yourself and to make good use of your time. Create a schedule, and follow it!

Work time blocks into your schedule including specific client/co worker/employee meeting. Work blocks are literal blocks of time designated to ONE specific task, instead of multitasking and putting your mind in and out of different items on your to-do list. It’s easy to go overtime when working for yourself and on your own schedule, so this will help keep you in check!

To take care of you, make sure you are ALSO scheduling in your you time, or down time, your social time as well as your nourishing time. Don’t let that be a last priority, because if you aren’t giving yourself time to chill, you won’t be able to be the best version of yourself to reach success!

Make sure vacations are included in that schedule too!

6. Boundaries and Saying No

Have a conversation with yourself and understand your limits, your boundaries, and what is going to be energetically depleting to you. These include boundaries with yourself (eg. not pushing yourself past your limit) and boundaries with others (taking on more than you can handle or doing things that don’t align with your values). Start to understand the power of No. When we learn to say No to those things that don’t serve us, that deplete us and that take us off our path, we create space for all that is in alignment with us.

7. Positive Work Conducive Environment 

Having a space designated for work is essential, whether it’s a separate room or a desk in a quiet corner. Space free of unnecessary distractions and have on hand essentials that you need for success- books, office supplies, note books, space for your laptop and additional work space. Accessories to create a beautiful ambiance is important as well- a candle and a plant or space for flowers will help to make this a place where you feel good about working in.

8. Focus on Abundance or Gratitude List daily

Our mind is so much more powerful than we sometimes think. Focusing on what we have, and what we can be grateful for, automatically puts our perspective into a positive space. When we are thinking positively our creative juices are flowing, we have lower stress levels, our relationships function better and we are all around more productive. Abundance is a mind set, and creates great expansion for our possibilities. Practicing a gratitude list is a wonderful way to bring awareness to what we do have in our life, creating a foundation for more to grow, to helps us realize potential. Once we create that foundation, we have a space to build on, and the more levels of gratitude we build on, the more potential for manifestation there is. Abundance comes in many forms- relationships, money, knowledge. The list can go on, and what we put out from this list will come back to us

9. Out-source work and ask for help

Out-sourcing may not seem like it’s worth it, or be something within your budget, but when you see it as an investment, and an option to literally buy yourself more time, you will see the benefits of it.

Out-sourcing essentially means hiring someone else to do the work that isn’t your forte, isn’t your profession, or that you simply don’t want to do - be it getting that website launched and your marketing needs taken care of, or meals prepped and dry cleaning done. Thinking abundantly and investing finances to hire someone to do these things is a huge stress relief and can free up your schedule immensely. Imagine trying to learn to do something far from your skills or desires, or forcing yourself to do things that don't align with your path. It can be a huge waste of time and energy that could be used to complete tasks and projects you are good and enjoy… because after all you’ve chosen this path to live a life you want to be living!

Alternatively, asking for help is something that can bring so much value to your life. Connect to your network and friends and seek out those we have the skills to help you. People truly want to help, sometimes in the form of an energy exchange or a favour. Ask the right people and you shall receive!

10. Connection: Find Sources of Support, Human Interaction and Community

Having support and social community is imperative to your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, and therefore your success. As Humans we thrive in community, and we won’t be at our best trying to do this on our own. Inter-human connection is a major factor in lowering anxiety, stress and depression. It also enhances our empathy, our self-esteem, as well as strengthens our immune system. Take time (schedule it in if you need to) to connect with your community in an environment outside of work to have fun, play, let loose and deepen your relationships with your community.

Prioritizing your wellbeing is vital in success, after all what's the point in all this hard work, and building your dreams, if you won’t be in good health to enjoy it. Take care of your precious mind, body and soul to reap the benefits and enjoy the process and completion of your dreams to the fullest!

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Malwina Lasocka-Biczysko CNP

Holistic Nutritionist C.N.P.
Wellness Consultant


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